Friends of the Farm Newsletters

7/29 Newsletter

Good afternoon, Friends!

It's been a warm couple of days! Whew! Talk about sweating like a pig! Speaking of pigs Larry, Curly, and Mo are doing well, and living their best life on pasture. They each have their own tub now to lounge in the cool water. They are quite entertaining. 


If you follow us on Facebook @simplefarmllc you know that we've struggled with the weather the last couple of weeks. We've tried to pick up on Wednesdays Farmers Market in Whitley County, but our schedules and the weather hampered these attempts. Hopefully we will be able to get to a few of these before school starts! Isn't that sad to think? School starts soon. Ugh. Where did the summer go? For the Wabash Farmers Market we will be there again next Saturday 8-12; and will continue through the rest of market season. 


Another item we shared on Facebook are our latest additions Daisy and Jasper. Litter sibling Great Pyrenees puppies! We are hoping that they not only love life here on the farm, but are able to help out with deterring predators when they are older. For now though, they are delightful little fuzz balls that are learning the routine of chore time, and keep us company feeding all these critters!
In other news, your favorite little salesman got braces this week! He will tell you that they are highly overrated.
The garden is slow, but producing. We are seeing more and more tomatoes, zuchinni and the like popping up every day. The tea garden is in bloom, and we are super excited about the yarrow and coneflowers that once harvested will be herbal teas for 2024. If you've never heard of yarrow before, it is an amazing medicinal flower! Dating back over 3000 years this petite flower packs a lot of punch! It is an antibiotic, antioxidant, antiproliferative (slows cell growth), and more! The leaves aid in wound healing, skin inflammation, and alleviating pain! Talk about a natural wonder!
If you see a post of ours on Facebook; along with this email that you think your family and friends would enjoy please feel free to share! 
Letters from Home
Next time you see Mom, be sure to ask her how a mouse got to live in her car. Nothing in the traps yet. Maybe Mickey is allergic to cheese and peanut butter. Mom is having a "Moving Sale" at her friend in the city's house, but she's not really moving. Hint hint... that's how Mickey got in the car.
My seester came out to visit again. I got a birdhouse done for her. OMG I have new sympathy for my brother-in-law. Have you seen the commerical about "turning into your parents?" She was determinded to use the boards she had me cut from previous visit. I kept saying when it gets hot I am done! Soooooooooooo I got a different board and starting cutting with my Chinee chop saw. You know, sometimes buying cheap tools is the wrong thing to do! It wouldn't adjust to do 45 degree angles. Lets just say it turned out to be a "rustik" bird house that resembles a church. I wish I'd taken a picture. 
Today is Black Rifle Coffe "Just Black" coffee.. What a storm! Its been a long time since I've seen hail! Are you doing the Wabash market this weekend? I can help... You know the commercials when the kid has a sign and spins it? That could be me!!! hahahahhaa I crack me self up!
Love you.
Items for the Markets
Simple Soaps.....................................6
Aloe & Calendula, Coffee & Cream, Lav'range, Activated Charcoal, Honey & Almond, Autumn Apples, Oatmeal/ Milk / Honey (Goats Milk)
Bath Bombs........................................5
(NEW) Midnight Jasmine, Autumn Apples, Lilac, Lavender, Pomegranate & Pear
Bowl Covers.......................................5
Dish / Washcloths .............................Pack of 3 for 5
Hot Pads............................................Pack of 2 for 12
Flippin' Goodness..............................3 for packet, 6 for jar
Lemonade Mixes...............................5
Applesauce Aprons............................25
Microgreen Kits..................................Jar kit 8, Tray kit 15
Simple Soaks / Sugar Scrubs ............5
** ALL items are available online at:**
Well, Friends that's all for today! Have a safe weekend, and we hope to see you at the market!
Your Friends on the Farm,
Hen, Rooster, Oldest & Youngest
Like all great stories begin, so there we were... Youngest and I coming home proud as peacocks of the ten Narragansett turkey chics we just selected from a nice breeder in the Larwill area. Dreaming of another batch of future turkey nuggies, turkey tacos and the like. When what to our wonderment did we find? ALL of the baby bunnies had escaped!
We were walking to the barn with our prized pullets in a copy paper box, and noticed something odd. Momma Ginger was all alone! There were some expletives from this Momma Hen, and Youngest looked like Ralphie on a Christmas Story after he said the Queen mother of all words. The look of utter horrified terror. We made our way into the barn to settle the turkeys when what other little God's creature did we find out of place?
Stewart Little was in the trough we use as a brooder for our youngest chics. Quickly devising a plan Youngest calmly collected the yard cat, and plopped her into the trough. The chase was on. Yard cat caught her prize, and we were ready to move on to setting up a nice little home for our ten new friends. It was in those moments of moving feed bags, and getting a waterer that there was movement. Something small, and quiet, was watching us from between the pig house, and broken down rabbit cages. Praise the Lord it was one of the bunnies!
We set aside the homecoming of the turkeys and began the pursuit of wrangling baby bunnies. One after another we found them hiding in the barn. Between the boys bicycles, amongst the cages, nibbling on some spilt feed or Timothy hay. We were at a count of four when we realized there was a ruckus outside the barn. We both exclaimed in unison "LILY!" In horror we ran out of the barn fully expecting to find the remainder of the bunnies harmed by our over excited Lily, but as all good dogs do; she was just herding them together.
It took some time, but Youngest and I worked together to herd the rest of the bunnies. One by one, we got the job done. 
Now sitting here exhausted from the day, chores done, supper eaten together, and time to relax we are chuckling over our adventure.
Hope that your night had some adventure as well...
Loving all creatures great and small
Your friends from the farm,
Youngest and Hen
We've been really enjoying making new friends of the farm at the Wabash Farmers Market. We always enjoy sharing our knowledge of simple remedies, and methods. It is always exciting to help new friends find a simpler way of life.
Growing season is upon us, and we are working hard in the garden adding more and more every week. Another project we have going on is fencing in our pasture for pigs and lambs! It is all very exciting! Some things in the garden that I am excited about are simple things with miracle properties.
Stevia. Did you know that this little plant is used as a natural sugar substitute? Typically dried and then ground when used as a sugar replacement a little bit goes a long way! This plant is 50 to 300 times the sweetness of sugar! That means one TEASPOON of stevia equals one CUP of sugar!
Onion has medicinal properties. Who would have thought that this simple vegetable can pack more punch than just it's flavor? Known to soothe coughs when fermented, or sliced raw. Steamed it can also soothe ear aches, and said to be able to pull infection.
Holy Basil. Different than your traditional basil this is a perennial flowering plant from the mint family. Traditionally used in teas for its capabilities for helping your body cope with various stressors. From emotional stress, infection, or medical conditions. Studies also suggest that holy basil improved metabolic conditions like blood glucose in diabetes, cholesterol in hyperlipidemia, blood pressure in hypertension, and BMI (body mass index). Clinical trials suggest effect on the immune system for better lung function and relief from asthma symptoms. 
Apple mint. Also known as pineapple mint, woolly mint or round-leaf mint. This simple mint variety is beneficial for fever, headaches, digestive disorders, acne, colic, cramps, colds, flu, stress, shock, asthma, motion sickness, fatigue, epileptic seizures. As a garden plant it is beneficial to grow alongside cabbage, peas, tomatoes and brocolli as it is said to improve their flavor. Traditionally added to teas, or used in culinary dishes.
Potatoes. Not only is it able to transform any meal with mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, baked or au gratin potatoes have medicinal benefits as well. When shredded in its raw state it can be used in a compress to relieve muscle pain. So for that next turned ankle consider a potato compress!
That's all for now...Enjoy the cool days ahead, as I am sure that the heat will be back in no time! We've been adding more products to the online store so be sure to check in from time to time.
We are also adding more content to our youtube channel when we have a free chance... be sure to like and subscribe @asimplefarm 
Here is the link for our latest short 

Your friends at a simple farm,
Rooster, Hen, Youngest and Oldest
Finally, the days are getting warmer! Just as suddenly they turn cold for a day or two! Welcome to Indiana. The garden is getting planted slowly but surely. As the evenings allow we've been planting away! Tomatoes, jalapenos, green peppers, red peppers, banana peppers, brussel sprouts, and broccoli got planted this weekend. Youngest has planted a kohlrabi patch. The blueberries, blackberries, rhubarb and strawberries are looking good. We replanted peas as they did not pop up like we thought they would. Still waiting on carrots to pop. Let's see what else is out there? Arugula, Spinach, Bibb Lettuce, Corn, Yellow Crooked squash, zucchini, white and red yarrow, mint, basil and purple basil. We were planning on putting out cucumbers, melons, and the like today, but life had other plans. I say this just as the Amazon man pulls in with the next order of weed barrier. LOL
We picked up some turkeys this week! Six little pullets to add to the freezer. The litters of bunnies are growing, and thriving. School is coming to a close for both the boys, and the farmers market season is ramping up for us. We've changed our plan a little with the market. We will continue the Saturday market in Wabash, and have changed our mind about Wednesday markets in Huntington. We will be participating in the Wednesday markets with Whitley County! Alternating weeks between Edwin Coe in Churubusco, and a location to be named in South Whitley. When we have more details we will be sure to fill you in!!!!
Attached are some pictures from the farm, from Oldest hunting to youngest with the bunnies, and his new "professional" hat as he calls it.
We hope that you are all doing well, and enjoying the wonderful weather.
Your Friends on the Farm,
A SImple Farm